Monday, February 1, 2010

Re: Thoughts on the new iPad...What are yours?

Among the many benefits of ISED-L is the high quality of the discussions
that are held about topics of mutual interest.

As with some of the previous respondents, I have blogged about the iPad. (

The upshot is that as the iPad currently stands, it's a very limited device
for students; an accessory computer at best. But the import of the iPad is
what will come later as the product evolves and Apple and others begin to
make enterprise and school products for it. Personally, I am more interested
in it as an e-reader. I had put off purchasing a Kindle or Sony e-reader due
to limitations I saw in their designs. I'll be eager to see how e-books play
out on the iPad.

Steve Taffee
Director of Technology 650.924.1040 (Google Voice)
Castilleja School 650.470.7725 (office)
1310 Bryant Street 415.613.6684 (mobile)
Palo Alto, CA 94301 |
Women Learning, Women Leading

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