of preventing abusive/coercive practices=A0within schools, particularly "b=
oot-camp"=A0type facilities where some student deaths have been attributed =
to these practices.=A0 Different people have different issues with the bill=
but the three main ones are:=0A=0A1.=A0 For schools that use physical rest=
raing and seclusion as=A0routine practices for controlling student behavior=
, there is an unfunded mandate for training and reporting.=A0=A0For those w=
ho do not=A0do so on a routine basis, there is only a reporting=A0burden sh=
ould=A0an emergency situation require physical restraint.=A0=A0=0A2.=A0 Sup=
porters and detractors of the bill are concerned that the implementation=A0=
will be left almost entirely to the states.=A0=A0For supporters this means =
the=A0intention of the bill could be significantly watered down (e.g. 10 mi=
nute on-line=A0training course to get=A0certified).=A0 For detractors, it m=
eans a=A0complex patch-work=A0with=A0state-by-state variations that are har=
d to track and your certification won't follow.=0A3.=A0 The big one for Ind=
ependent schools is that this sets a bad precedent.=A0 Independent schools=
=A0can determine what qualifications a teacher needs to have=A0as long as t=
heir accrediting body agrees or they go unaccredited.=A0 This bill is seen =
as the first=A0step in a slippery slope that=A0could lead to=A0greater regu=
lation of educational standards within private schools.=A0 However, if you =
don't take any=A0Department of=A0Ed funds it does not apply to you so the d=
iscussion of=A0"federal programs" below=A0is overly broad.=A0 Many Federal =
programs work this way (e.g. eRate imposed filtering mandates) but=A0becaus=
e it imposes=A0teaching qualifications it is raising more concerns.=0A=0A_J=
=0A=A0____________________________=0AJason at jasonpj@yahoo.com =0A=0A=0A=
=0A----- Original Message ----=0AFrom: Joe Frost <Joe.Frost@phoenixchristia=
n.org>=0ATo: ISED-L@LISTSERV.SYR.EDU=0ASent: Fri, February 19, 2010 8:20:23=
AM=0ASubject: CAPSO E-Alert: New Federal Bill Threatens to Impose Mandates=
=0A=0AAnyone familiar with this?=0A=0AComments - Feedback?=0A=0AThanks,=0A*=
****** =0A=0AJoe Frost, MS CIS=0ADirector of Technology & Operations=0ADepa=
rtment Chair Technology=0Ahttp://www.phoenixchristian.org=0A=0A=0A=0A______=
__________________________=0A=0AFrom: Arizona Scholarship Fund [mailto:azsc=
holarshipfund@gmail.com]=0ASent: Thursday, February 18, 2010 2:38 PM=0ATo: =
contact@acsphx.org=0ASubject: CAPSO E-Alert: New Federal Bill Threatens to =
Impose Mandates=0A=0A=0ADear Administrator,=0A=0ABelow is a copy of an emai=
l from the California Association of Private=0ASchool Organizations.=A0 We =
are circulating the email to Arizona private=0Aschools to alert you to some=
federal legislation that may have an effect=0Aon the private school indust=
ry.=A0 If you feel the issues are relevant to=0Ayour school community, plea=
se feel free to forward it. =0A=0A=0ACalifornia Association of Private Scho=
ol Organizations=0A=0AFebruary 16, 2010 =0A=0AFederal Legislation Threatens=
to Impose Unfunded Mandate on Private=0ASchools=0A=0A=0AA bill currently p=
ending in the U.S. House of Representatives threatens=0Ato subject a broad =
array of private religious and independent schools to=0Aan unprecedented de=
gree of federal regulation. =0A=0AHR 4247, authored by California Represent=
ative George Miller, would=0Aplace various mandates relating to the use of =
pupil restraint and=0Aseclusion, including staff training, monitoring and r=
eporting=0Arequirements, upon any private school in which students receive =
benefits=0Afrom federally funded programs.=A0 Thus, a school in which a sin=
gle pupil=0Areceived Title I services would become subject to the (unfunded=
) federal=0Amandates.=0A=0AAccording to the Council for American Private Ed=
ucation (CAPE): "In the=0Ahistory of education legislation, the federal gov=
ernment has never=0Aimposed training or certification requirements on relig=
ious and=0Aindependent schools for any reason."=A0 The policy HR 4247 would=
establish=0Aplaces private schools "...between a rock and a hard place: [t=
hey may=0Aeither] accept the federal intrusion in policies and practices or=
give=0Aup participation in federal programs that benefit students and thei=
r=0Ateachers."=0A=0AThe bill's provisions appear to be informed by a govern=
ment report=0Atitled "Seclusions and Restraints: Selected Cases of Death an=
d Abuse at=0APublic and Private Schools and Treatment Centers."=A0 The repo=
rt allows=0Afor the impression that the incidence of abuses linked to the u=
se of=0Aseclusion and restraint is widespread, occurring throughout the nat=
ional=0Aprivate school universe.=A0 Yet, a closer examination of the docume=
nt=0Areveals that virutally all reported cases of such abuse took place in =
a=0Arelatively small sub-set of schools - often residential facilities -=0A=
established to educate a special needs population.=A0 While the problem is=
=0Areal, and warrants the establishment of safeguards, HR 4247 would impose=
=0Aregulations upon a vast number of private schools without sufficient=0Ac=
ause.=0A=0AOpposition to the bill in its current form can be expressed by v=
isiting=0ACAPE's Legislative Action Center (see sidebar on right), and send=
ing a=0Apre-scripted e-mail (which can be personalized) to your U.S.=0ARepr=
esentative.=A0 Additional information about the bill, and reactions=0Afrom =
CAPSO and CAPE can be found using the accompanying links in the=0Aright sid=
ebar.=0A=0A=0A=0AQuick Links =0A=0ASend an E-Mail=0A<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.=
Kf4SOAfMj56oRzWwFE54iyLnP67BuDiJxSIuzUgi54DZZmNmwbZVy>=0A=0A=0ASend a pre-s=
cripted e-mail to Members of Congress, expressing opposition=0Ato HR 4247 i=
n its current form.=0A=0AText of HR 4247=0A<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=3D=
tKZk8I8DlNRDtSvxDf5aSXk=3D>=A0 =0A=0ARead the text of the bill as approved =
by the House Committee on=0AEducation and Labor, and annotated by CAPE.=0A=
=0AGovernment Report=0A<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=3D1103024879276&s=3D0&=
d3uU3oyK8vzZUASueTPiVlgNld=0AlLdRkeRrf8UfeaEENfohssXeN3oIO> =0A=0AView the =
Government Accountability Office report upon which the=0Aprovisions of HR 4=
247 are based.=A0 Note that the abuses in question are=0Aconfined to a smal=
l segment of the private school universe.=0A=0ACAPSO Commentary=0A<http://r=
ScaBY4RZcAqtn_mzuSMnPjvRMRVczOBfQYVpAdw8d40Ikg=3D> =0A=0AVisit the CAPSO we=
bsite to learn more about our view of HR 4247. =0A=0ACAPE Commentary=0A<htt=
=0AzQZbr7EMFh5lliGbcpTuqmS8RYhw=3D=3D>=A0 =0A=0ARead CAPE's assessment of t=
he bill.=0A=0ACAPE Letter=0A<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=3D1103044767296&s=
tGlNeUL4=3D>=A0 =0A=0A[ For info on ISED-L see https://www.gds.org/podium/d=
efault.aspx?t=3D128874 ]=0ASubmissions to ISED-L are released under a creat=
ive commons, attribution, non-commercial, share-alike license.=0ARSS Feed, =
[ For info on ISED-L see https://www.gds.org/podium/default.aspx?t=3D128874 ]
Submissions to ISED-L are released under a creative commons, attribution, non-commercial, share-alike license.
RSS Feed, http://listserv.syr.edu/scripts/wa.exe?RSS&L=3DISED-L