Thursday, February 18, 2010

Re: Broadcasting

We started web casting last year with our graduation ceremony using a compa=
ny based in Toronto, Canada, called Unikron. We were surprised how easy it=
was to set-up the live web cast and decided to purchase their service on a=
n "anytime" basis for one year. For $1600 we are able to web cast any even=
t at any time without having to give prior notice. We're using it for spec=
ial events, lectures, students on exchange, and as part of our emergency pl=
an. Using Windows Media Encoder it's easy to record any web cast for later=
upload to our web site, the quality is decent, and is relatively affordabl=

Karl Haeseler

Director of Educational Technology
Convent of the Sacred Heart
1177 King Street
Greenwich, Ct. 06831
203-532-3159 (Office)
203-512-6557 (Mobil)

-----Original Message-----
From: A forum for independent school educators [mailto:ISED-L@LISTSERV.SYR.=
EDU] On Behalf Of Renee Kropff
Sent: Thursday, February 18, 2010 7:11 AM
Subject: Re: Broadcasting

We use a system called VBrick which allows for streaming a live
broadcast over your network using your Ethernet cable. It also converts
the video to a mpeg format so that you can upload it to your website for
your school community to use. It also allows for live streaming on your
website as well using your fiber connection. I hope this is useful.

Renee' Kropff
Director of Technology
Bright School

-----Original Message-----
From: A forum for independent school educators
[mailto:ISED-L@LISTSERV.SYR.EDU] On Behalf Of Renee Ramig
Sent: Wednesday, February 17, 2010 8:29 PM
Subject: Broadcasting

My middle school head wants to set up a broadcasting area in the new
media center we are building. Can someone give me some ideas on how you
would do this?

Basic set up at my school:

Fiber to the building, Cat 6 in the building to a gigabit switch.
We have no cable (aka TV) as we are too far away to get cable, so never
had it installed.

What is the best way to broadcast video to classrooms?
Are there online options that can be used for broadcasting outside the
school too (like to parents)?

Should I be looking at putting fiber in the building itself or will
Ethernet handle it?

As for the room itself, it will be an integrated arts room with green
screen, video equipment, lights, and microphones.


Renee Ramig
Seven Hills School

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