Monday, July 7, 2008

an Obama Poll

An Obama Poll. Thank you for your time.

Please call and give us information: Obama (202) 224-2854 (312) 886-3506 Toll free: (866) 445-2520 Toll free for Illinois Only (217) 492-5089 (618) 997-2402 (309)736-1217

As Bill Clinton taxed Social Security to help eliminate the deficit, I, Obama, believe that we can tax medicare and medicade benefits and eliminate federal student loans and federal student grants to decrease the deficit.

Please call and say yes or no. Obama (202) 224-2854 Obama needs your opinion. Please.

(202) 224-2854 (312) 886-3506 Toll free: (866) 445-2520 Toll free for Illinois Only
(217) 492-5089 (618) 997-2402 (309)736-1217

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