Thursday, October 11, 2007

Model 21st Century Libraries

We are in the midst of a Strategic Planning process and are looking =20
for model, 21st Century Libraries/Learning Centers that support =20
learning in any PK-12 environment (we have a library on each of our =20
three campuses and are interested in seeing Primary, Middle and Upper =20=

School models, or any combination thereof; we are also interested in =20
model college/university libraries). Ideally, we would like to be =20
able to visit a few libraries=97virtually and/or in person=96=96and to =
ask =20
some questions regarding space design, access to resources to support =20=

the curriculum, technology use and access, and staffing needs. Do =20
any of you work at or know of a school that has undergone this kind =20
of library transformation?
I would very much appreciate it if you would contact me off list, if so.
Many thanks, in advance, for your insights and guidance.

Karen Newman
Director of Curriculum and Professional Development
The Montclair Kimberley Academy
201 Valley Road
Montclair, NJ 07042
(973) 783-7667

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