Wednesday, October 24, 2007

FirstClass and Forgotten Passwords

FirstClass users: How are you dealing with forgotten user passwords? Has =
anyone created a system wherein users can retrieve their own password usi=
ng a "secret question" or other mechanism?

There's a developer who is willing to do the work for us to create such a=
system, but it's estimated to cost several thousand dollars to develop. =
If this is a widespread problem, I might be able to convince him there's =
a market for this and he could sell
it as an add-on to FirstClass. FC (OpenText) has not shown much interest =
in developing this themselves.


Steve Taffee 650.470.7725 (office)
Director of Technology 415.613.6684 (mobile)
Castilleja School 650.326.8036 (fax)
1310 Bryant Street =20
Palo Alto, CA 94301
Women Learning, Women Leading

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