Friday, August 20, 2010

Re: QUERY - ERB's and their use



From: A forum for independent school educators on behalf of Dean
Sent: Fri 8/20/2010 10:45 AM
Subject: QUERY - ERB's and their use

Greetings everyone,

I have several questions regarding your school's use of the ERB:

1) Do you administer the ERB? In what grades? In what setting?
Teachers give the test in classrooms in grades 3-8, spring =

2) Have you ever considered doing away with the ERB test or is it an =
essential piece of your curriculum?

It is our only objective testing with an independent norm.

3) Do you provide any pre-ERB advice, prep to students?

4) Do you mail home scores to parents? How do use ERB scores in your =

Beginning this year. =20

We look at trends across the administrative summaries, and then patterns =
for individual students at the lower percentile ends.


Scott Smith

Bolles School

Jacksonville, FL

Many thanks for your responses.

Dean J. Fusto
Head of Upper School
Assistant Head of School

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