Friday, August 20, 2010

3 Conference Opportunities

I've posted this info in various forums, so please excuse multiple missives:

1) Illinois Computing Educators' Conference is looking for general session
and workshop presenters. Consider submitting a proposal here:
2) The Mobile Learning Experience, organized by Kathy Burdick and Tony
Vincent, will take April 6-8, 2011 in Phoeniz, AZ:
They are also seeking presenters and you can apply here :

3) Finally, please pass the following information on to anyone in your
network that may be interested. Steve Hargadon of Classroom 2.0 (<>
) and I are chairing a global education conference, and we're turning to
anyone we know that can help us get the word out.

We are seeking attendees, presenters and partners for our first online
global education virtual conference. Partnership does not require any
financial commitment; we only need you to spread the word and vet conference
sessions. Current partners include ePals, iEARN, the Asia Society and
TakingITGlobal among many others.

Our main goal is to connect educators globally. We have six tracks planned
that will include educators, students, NGOs, and others who are working to
promote global awareness and global competencies in communities. We are also
interested in suggestions for (or connections to) interesting and relevant
keynote speakers.

Please consider sharing your stories and knowledge with others or forward
this to other interested parties!

Here are the details:

The Global Education Conference
November 15-19, 2010<>

Sponsored by Elluminate
Co-Chaired by Steve Hargadon and Lucy Gray
Conference network:<>

Thanks in advance for your help,

Lucy Gray

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