Friday, August 27, 2010

Google Docs

For those of you using Google Docs at your school......

We are implementing a pilot program for Google Docs this year. There are =
some concerns from the English Dept. about who writes the papers. Could y=
ou please let us know how you have handled this type of situation?

from a concerned teacher....
>I don't know if I want to do this, however I'm definitely willing to giv=
e it a try.=A0 I talked with=20
> at length about this last year and it seems to me that there are some b=
ig loopholes.=A0 I know all about them signing on etc. at home but there =
is no way of knowing who is doing the actual writing once a kid signs on.=
=A0 It could be parents, tutor,
>anybody.=A0 Convince me=A0 how to assure that that it is definitely the =
kids writing and I'll sign on.=A0

Thanks for your help!

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