Friday, June 18, 2010

Rosetta Stone

Does anyone have some licenses for levels 1, 2 and / or 3 Latin American
Spanish of Rosetta Stone on CD (network or individual workstation) they
are no longer using and want to sale? (I checked with the Rosetta Stone
Rep, and they said a school could sale their perpetual licenses if they
were no longer using them.) It is fine if it isn't the newest version.

And...if you do use Rosetta Stone, especially in middle school, can you
let me know how well you feel it is working? How often are you using

The cost seems incredibly high (Over $6,000 for 10 concurrent licenses
for levels 1-2). My Spanish teacher really wants to try it next year to
help differentiate in her classroom since she has levels from very
beginner to bilingual in her class.


Renee Ramig
Seven Hills School

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