Wednesday, February 10, 2010

So you are sitting at home experiencing that delightfully pleasant snow day inner glow...

As the snow swirls down outside your window, perhaps you are thinking,
"Maybe February isn't so bad after all."

You sigh deeply and contentedly, and then a fun thought pops into your head.

"What a great day to contemplate my vision an ideal school!"

But then, of course, in this time of social media, you immediately wonder
where you will share your vision?

Not to worry, just click on over to this web page, create a virtual sticky, and joyfully lay
out your ideal school vision where we all can share it.

No matter how what you do, enjoy your snow day!

Off to make a cup of tea.


PS May there please be no power outages this afternoon ... that would
totally ruin the whole pleasant snow day thing.

Fred Bartels
Dir. of Info. Tech.
Rye Country Day School

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