Sunday, February 21, 2010

Re: Two presentations at NAIS Conference in San Francisco this week...

Now with working links :)...

I will be presenting two sessions at the NAIS Annual Conference as part of =
the Schools of the Future series. I have created informational pages for ea=
ch session and will supply additional information and resources after the s=
ession. The two sessions are:

Thursday, February 25, 12:00 pm =96 1:00 pm
Best Practices in Distance Learning:

Twitter Session Tag: #cb1

Friday, February 26, 8:00 am =96 9:00 am
Lessons Cloaked in the Power of Narrative:

Twitter Session Tag: #cb2

You can learn more about each of these session at the supplied links. Each =
session will also be Twitter friendly with the hopes of an active back chan=
nel which I will post on the presentation pages at the completion of the se=
ssions . If you are using the back channel, please use the appropriate con=
ference tag (#naisac10) and session tag (see above).

Check out the session descriptions and I hope to meet you in San Francisco.

Chris Bigenho=

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