Thursday, February 18, 2010

Re: "Senior Term" and Social Media


This is the second year that we have used a ning for our Senior Service
Project. The ning can be accessed at:

Drea Gallaga ( is our Senior Service coordinator. She
would be happy to answer any questions that anyone has.

Along with our Google Docs Forms, Drea has been raving about the transition
from the old way.


On Thu, Feb 18, 2010 at 9:39 AM, Fred Bartels <> wrote:

> We are thinking of using social media (probably a ning) to provide a forum
> for seniors to share and reflect upon their end-of-year community service
> projects. Curious if other schools have tried something like this already.
> Thanks,
> Fred
> --
> Fred Bartels
> Dir. of Info. Tech.
> Rye Country Day School
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