Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Re: Netbook Carts

We also use the Datamation Netbook Carts. We actually have 3 of them in our
school. Love the top loading feature, wire management and plain simplicity
of the cart. We use them with the Lenovo S10e.
It might be a little pricey but, it's well worth it.


On Tue, Feb 9, 2010 at 10:36 AM, Lisa Sjogren <lisa.a.sjogren@gmail.com>wrote:

> I am currently seeking information about a netbook cart which will hold 30
> netbooks, we will be going with ASUS eeePC 1005HA if there are size
> restrictions. Has anyone bought a netbook cart recently? What was the kind?
> Cost?
> We are looking at this one (
> http://www.cdw.com/shop/products/default.aspx?EDC=1780269), but I am a bit
> hesitant as it appears that the doors are clear.
> Many thanks for your help.
> --Lisa
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A. Popoola

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