Friday, February 5, 2010

Online typing

Hi---not sure what happened to my post from if you got
it and this too!

We bought the "web-based" Type to Learn 4.
It is not really web based but saves the student data on the web)

4th and 5th graders really enjoy using it! From a nine and ten-year-old
vantage point, this program is quite fun---not hokey or boring---
Kids wanted to practice typing...
No email addresses needed
Works well (when it works)

Full install on home computers--- a problem on both
PC/MAC platforms
We wound up making CDs for kids to take home (this was OKd by Sunburst
first) A few parents could not do the install --- One parent sent in their
laptop and we did the install!

Once it was up and running it worked well.

---->What was annoying was that Sunburst stopped answering their tech
support phone number...and so the only communication was through email...
and there were lots of emails with LOTS of time in between email requests
for help---like days and days...

I wound up calling other Sunburst phone numbers and having Sunburst
representatives walk across their building to get to some tech people that
were able to
give me help.

Susan Ferris Rights
The Pingry School

Susan Ferris Rights

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