>We are a K-8 school. We have a hardcover book that the eighth grade
>students design and layout. We use Jostens Yearbook Avenue. The cost
>of the yearbook is included with school fees at the beginning of the
>year. The first several years we used InDesign to design the yearbook
>offline. The last two years we've used Josten's web app for the
>layout/design. That system has worked well, pages can be digitally
>assigned to students and there is a much smaller learning curve for the
>students to design using the web app.
>Chris Mosier
thank you, very helpful
Larry Kligman ('85)
Middle School Director
Assistant Head of School
Abraham Joshua Heschel Day School
17701 Devonshire Street
Northridge, CA 91325
main: 818.368.5781 x505
fax: 818.360.6162
Tradition ~ Character ~ Community
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