Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Re: ISED on a Blog? Your thoughts? (UNCLASSIFIED)

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED=20
Caveats: NONE

I think that anything, thus far released through the list under the CC -
Attrib, non-commercial, share-alike is fair game as long as it follows
the license. Under the CC there is no way to enforce a prohibition on
automated reposting to a blog as long as it remains attributed and
non-commercial. You will need to adopt a more restrictive license and
that will be difficult to craft and nearly impossible to enforce.

Personally I believe that the CC by-nc-sa is a great idea for this list
because it gives everyone the chance to take the work further while
preventing anyone from directly profiting. Part of the concern you
express is that the derivative work (in this case a blog) does not
directly contribute back to the list. But that is a risk I would be
willing to take if it helps get the wonderful content of this list to a
wider audience. In addition the blog (at least the one on BlogSpot)
provided other ways of getting the content (like RSS)

Even if you do adopt a more restrictive approach, the entire contents of
the list are available though the ISED-L Archive, Google and other
search engine Cashes and a number of other blogs and they have already
been licensed (at least for the past few years that we have had CC) in a
way that would allow automated posting to a blog (which I don't think
you can revoke). There are literally dozens of schools that are sharing
the ISED list through a First Class Conference that accomplish the same
thing, and that has occurred for years.
(Example:http://fc.lovett.org/~ksaunders/FAV4-0000D865/). In other
words: that ship sailed long ago.

So, I would recommend the list lean into the discomfort that comes from
realizing everything you post on ISED-L, Ning, the School Computing
Wiki, etc has this same problem and be glad that someone thought the
collective mind share of this group is worth redundant documentation,
and look forward to the new content that can be layer onto this list and
new ways of accessing it.


Jason Johnson - Program Director
Web Services Branch - Walter Reed Army Medical Center Ingenium (ISO
9001:2000 certified)
Office: 202-782-1047
Cell: 202-262-0516
Classification: UNCLASSIFIED=20
Caveats: NONE

[ For info on ISED-L see http://www.gds.org/ISED-L ]
Submissions to ISED-L are released under a creative commons, attribution, non-commercial, share-alike license.