Friday, February 29, 2008

Student Radio Station - Internet radio?

Hello everyone,

I'm wondering if anyone out there has a student-run radio station at their
school and how it operates...?

We currently have a radio station/club that broadcasts on a very low power
FM transmitter. It can be heard quite well on campus but nowhere else.
Student interest in broadcasting is high, however no one listens... No one
has a FM radio anymore.

I have been wanting to broadcast on the internet for quite some time as just
about all of our students have some type of portable internet device whether
it be an i-pod/phone, laptop, blackberry, etc. Is anyone already doing this?
I'd love to hear your experiences. I'm wondering especially about bandwidth
and copyright issues.

Thank you in advance,

J. Gaston

J Gaston
Design and Video Instructor
The Harker School
San Jose, CA

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