Thursday, January 17, 2008

Re: Disabling content feed to the ISED-L blog & associated RSS feed

Curt, certainly I'll disable the feed if you'd like. Sorry for not
engaging the admins with it; I guess I thought since content was
published under a Creative Commons license that it was good to go. I
will sever the RSS feed & also the blog for the time being. Do let me
know what your decision is, and I will proceed accordingly.



/s/ Peter

"Omnia mutantur, nos et mutamur in illis."
~~ Nicholas Borbonius

"We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools."
~~ Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

On 1/17/08, Curt Lieneck <> wrote:
> Hello, Peter,
> Thank you for alerting ISED-L readers to the blog you've launched. We
> certainly understand the limits of a traditional listserv while
> recognizing the power of newer tools, so it makes sense that readers
> will want the content to be available in different ways.
> We'd like to politely suggest that involving we three co-managers in
> the decision to launch this blog was in order. While we don't "own"
> the listserv, one of our duties is to let readers know beforehand
> when changes will affect it. There was also a missed opportunity to
> let us express support for the blog and solicit readers' feedback
> prior to launch, as we did with Demetri Orlando and Fred Bartels
> moving ISED content to the ISEnet Ning site and the School Computing
> Wiki.
> We are uncomfortable with the status quo since content directed to
> ISED-L is now being piped elsewhere without readers' explicit or
> implicit permission. Would you be willing to disable the feed from
> the ISED-L until we've had a chance to run this by the readership? We
> know that most will not have or express an opinion, and we expect
> that most will be fine with what you've done, but readers should have
> the opportunity to react before their content is sent somewhere else.
> Thanks for your cooperation.
> Marti Weston
> Curt Lieneck
> ISED-L Co-Managers