Friday, November 2, 2007

Re: Looking for excellent wireless help


I highly recommend MTM Technologies, they've got people all around that
area. They bailed me out of a jam in June when I was at a school in Potomac,
and I also hired them to completely redesign our entire network (wired and

Jim Kavadias was my contact there, 888-633-9800 x2424 or


On 11/2/07 8:19 AM, "Norman Maynard" <> wrote:

> Good morning.
> Does anyone have a recommendation for someone in the DC/Silver Spring area
> who can help us out with our wireless system? Frankly, it has just never
> worked right, and as we push/cajole kids and faculty into using laptops,
> we're running into this bottleneck of frustration with endless waits for
> logging on, network not available messages, dropped connections, etc.
> What we need is someone who is really, really good with this stuff and who
> can come in and analyze what's going on, fix it, and leave us with some info
> as to typical responses we an execute when typical things go awry.
> Thanks for your help!

Jeffrey Mesch
Director of Technology
Father Ryan High School
Nashville, TN
Office: 615-383-4200 x226
Mobile: 615-207-8068
AIM: jeffmesch

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