Friday, November 2, 2007

Re: Gym Divider

Yes, I suggested we divide our gym (aka The Pavilion) when I arrived at Viewpoint 16 years ago.? We did, and it has given us a great deal of flexibility over the years.? We have a blue heavy curtain mounted on a ceiling track that pulls across the center of the gym.? We can have 2 practices or gym classes, we can shorten the lengh of the gym for an assembly or pep rally (our bleachers are at the end, no the side), and it all works very well.? After 15 years, we still have the same curtain.? Best, Margaret Bowles
Viewpoint School
Calabasas, CA

-----Original Message-----
From: George Swain <>
Sent: Thu, 1 Nov 2007 3:21 pm
Subject: Gym Divider


We are considering installing a divider in our gymnasium to enable us to
schedule two PE classes, etc. into the space. Any experience positive
or negative with this solution?


George Swain

Head of Middle School

Poughkeepsie Day School

845-462-7600, ext. 222

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