Founded in 2007, the Technology and Learning Institute or TLI has provided =
60 Choate faculty members with the opportunity to spend a week learning abo=
ut the appropriate synthesis of technology tools and improved teaching and =
learning. Graduates of the program have:
* moved their course materials to Blackboard.
* created screen casts to explain specific concepts and techniques withi=
n their course.
* created collections of on-line self-graded assessments with feedback t=
o the student.
* designed courses using rich media as primary source content.
* incorporated student response systems for in-class formative and summa=
tive assessment.
* completed a host of other initiatives ranging from transforming the in=
structional interchange between teacher and student (using DyKnow) to using=
the SmartBoard as a vehicle for presenting and recording graphing calculat=
or instruction.
The week will consist of two tracks: 1) a series of mini-workshops (90 minu=
tes) consisting of hands-on learning followed by a small deliverable using =
an appropriate technology tool (90 minutes); or 2) a project track in which=
a faculty member may spend an entire week working on a single project that=
is designed to produce an enhanced learning experience for students.
Feel free to browse the curriculum from the June 2010 TLI (this would be fo=
r the mini-workshop track):
Joel Backon
Director of Academic Technology / History
Choate Rosemary Hall
333 Christian St.
Wallingford, CT 06492
On Nov 4, 2010, at 8:22 AM, Adrienne Hill wrote:
Would you be willing to share more information with the group about your we=
ek-long Technology and Learning Institute? We are exploring the possibility=
of adding a similar program to our school's Professional Development Progr=
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