I'm under a lot of pressure to move my domain name registration and management over to something like GoDaddy because of price factors.
Here's a nice reversal of trends. Network Solutions' support has improved over the years. Used to be almost impossible to get a hold of a live person on the phone (actually at that time, really didn't need to either) but now it's quite easy.
Hoover Chan chan@sacredsf.org
Technology Director
Schools of the Sacred Heart
2222 Broadway St.
San Francisco, CA 94115
----- "Bill Fitzgerald" <dwfitzgerald@yahoo.com> wrote:
> To our deep regret, about 7 years ago, we started using GoDaddy for
> reasons of price.
> They are a terrible company.
> Their customer service is non-existent - and if you actually manage to
> get a response, you are well advised to do the opposite, and as they
> are consistently clueless about, well, everything. If they wrote
> instructions on how to drink water, they would probably get that
> wrong.
> While buying anything, their checkout process bombards you with bait
> and switch ads.
> Most importantly, their advertising strategy perpetuates the
> stereotype of woman as object.
> We will be switching soon. I have nothing good to say about them,
> their service, their company ethos, or their products.
> I would love to hear some recommendations for registrars.
> Cheers,
> Bill
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