to encourage our faculty to use these devices in the first place.
On Thu, May 6, 2010 at 12:20 PM, Bernadette Roche <> wrote:
> Please keep this open too - we are needing to write a policy for this
> topic this summer. I have some thoughts if anyone is interested, but
> not a detailed policy.
> Bernadette Roche
> Director of Technology
> Oakhill Day School
> 816.436.6228
> -----Original Message-----
> From: A forum for independent school educators
> [mailto:ISED-L@LISTSERV.SYR.EDU] On Behalf Of Jones, Nancy
> Sent: Thursday, May 06, 2010 10:41 AM
> Subject: faculty and texting
> Anyone have policies or issues involving faculty, smartphones,
> texting, and appropriate use/time?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: A forum for independent school educators
> [mailto:ISED-L@LISTSERV.SYR.EDU] On Behalf Of Bill Ivey
> Sent: Thursday, May 06, 2010 10:30 AM
> Subject: Re: Parents posting videos on You Tube or Facebook of School
> Activities
> Hi!
> Regarding bans of recording equipment - that would have to include cell
> phones, right? Not likely. It's tough enough just to get them muted
> during performances.
> I've been following this discussion as a teacher, and suddenly realized
> just this morning that I am a problem parent as well. I have taken a few
> short videos of my son's basketball games and crew meets, and shared
> them with family and friends on Facebook. Of course, I have no clue
> whether or not any of those other kids' parents, from any of those
> schools, gave permission for their image to be shared publicly.
> Despite being an educator and being reasonably knowledgeable about
> technology and tech policies, I just got caught up in the joy, to
> paraphrase Ann.
> So my instinct is we need to do what we can to educate parents,
> students, and for that matter ourselves (ahem), about what appropriate
> use should be, react as needed to violations of school policy and/or
> various laws which are pointed out to us, and leave it at that.
> Take care,
> Bill Ivey
> Stoneleigh-Burnham School
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