Monday, May 24, 2010

Re: Considering Google Apps for Education (K-12)

There's a discussion forum in this Google Site that was set up by Google to
answer commonly asked questions: Also, I think
someone mentioned this earlier, but Google Apps is adding a slew of products
to their core suite in the fall:

This is a bit off topic, but regarding search since David brings it up, I'm
wondering if you all know about Google Custom Search, which lets you roll
your own search engine. You can indicate specific sites to search
exclusively, or just have specific ones emphasized: The search box you create here can be integrated
into blogs, wikis, and web sites. I think the possibilities for this tool
are endless... you could create a specialized set of searchable resources
for units of study, create a search just for your web site etc.

Another search technology that works similarly, but is an enterprise
product, is Google Search Appliance: I'm not entirely certain
of the difference between this and Google Custom Search, but if you want to
see it in action, check out Sweet Search/Finding Dulcinea: The first three links that come up are from
Sweet Search's vetted resources in Finding Dulcinea; the rest are from
Google. Also, note the search box in the results page; you can search
further in Finding Dulcinea or go straight to Google. To be completely
transparent, I do consulting work for yolink, a search technology company
that has partnered with Sweet Search. You'll see their toolbar in the Sweet
Search results as well.

Anyway, I hope you'll find this interesting and useful, if not just a bit
off topic! Also, for those teaching abroad, Google has announced a new
Google Teacher Academy event to take place in London at the end of July.
Applications are due June 17th:

Lucy Gray

On Mon, May 24, 2010 at 6:09 AM, David P. Dillard <> wrote:

I am only indirectly as a college reference librarian involved with K-12
> education, and I am not certain what this poster is referring to in
> connection with the concept of "Google Apps". Therefore I am not certain
> these comments will be on target or useful, I will hope that they help. I
> have spent a great deal of time creating the concept of "Meet the Googles"
> that explores the uses of Google specialized search tools that are far
> superior learning tools for students at any level from middle school to
> post-graduate research than the use of Google Web search and include Google
> Images, Google Blogs, Google News, Google News Archive, Gooogle Books,
> Google Scholar and Google Government to name a few. When students are doing
> research these tools can greatly facilitate their learning from quality
> sources on their research topics. Meet the Googles provides bibliographies
> and webliographies for each of these tools, the same for advanced Google
> search techniques and many many source links to Google searches in a group
> of these tools that provide topical examples of these tools in use.

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