Sunday, August 9, 2009

Social Networking and Wireless Access


Hi everyone,
Our school, Wakefield School, in The Plains VA is trying develop policy=
for the following issues:
Social Networking and Campus Technology Use
What will be expectations for faculty and students for technology use=
in classes and extracurricular areas including the use of social networ=
king in the classroom and outside of the classroom on campus? What socia=
l networking resources are we going to allow and for whom? What are teac=
hers allowed to use? required to use if anything?
Wireless Access and Broadband Personal Access
Will we have open wireless on the Wakefield Campus? Will students be all=
owed to bring personal devices which connect to the outside world throug=
h their own broadband connections?
How does your school approach these issues. I would appreciate any polic=
ies, AUPs, resources, etc that you would like to share with us as we for=
mulate our ideas here at Wakefield. Individual veiwpoints are valued als=
Just email them to:

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