Thursday, July 16, 2009

new employee orientation

Hello All,=20
I am preparing for our new employee orientation, and would love to get
some ideas.

1. If you spend a day just with new employees, what do you do? What
topics do you cover? (In the past, we have spent a day talking about the
general feel of the school as well as spent time meeting different
department heads. It's basically a day dedicated to warming new
employees up for our faculty workshops.)
2. What other things do you do to support your new employees? (We have a
host teacher program where a veteran teacher is assigned to touch base
with the new employee and help them with things ranging from "What do I
wear to this event" to "I'm having trouble with this...")

Thanks for sharing any ideas.
Jessi Christiansen=20
Assistant Head of School=20
Epiphany School <> =20
(206) 720-7650=20

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