Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Re: ISED on a Blog? Your thoughts?

As I looked through this and did some background research (thanks,
Google!) I have two thoughts:

1. Just because something can be done doesn't mean it should be.
2. Using CC as a license to republish a few posts is one thing;
wholesale republishing of the entire list is quite another. Can the
blogger do it? By subscribing to the CC license we have technically
provided that ability. Should the blogger do it? I feel that's
disingenuous. And, since it's archived and accessible, why feed it to
a blog, a device more designed for one-sided conversation than for dialogue?
3. My email address is at least masked in the archives unless you log
in; he has effectively opened my address to yet more spam when I use
my signature.

I have to admit to missing the original announcement--we all have
periods where this list takes a back seat--but this move raises a
good discussion. I think it would be appropriate for the blogger to
participate in this discussion rather than remaining apart from it.
As the blogger notes, he turned the blog feed back on after he didn't
see any discussion on ISED-L. He could have raised the issue with the
group, but he didn't. Why is that? And why is his discussion of this
issue on yet a different blog and not on this list?


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Submissions to ISED-L are released under a creative commons, attribution, non-commercial, share-alike license.