Here is how the web works...
Many people view the video and leave comments on the Youtube site...
Comments are also collected on multiple sites as KSU linked it to their cou=
rse blog which also accepts comments...
Gary Stager writes about it in his regular column in District Administrator=
This column also accepts comments (found at end of article) one of which is=
from the professor of the course which then links back to the another entr=
y from their course blog for clarification of the piece.
Now this is the power of the web... Real people across the globe, many who =
don't know each other, engaged in discourse about a topic. This discourse i=
nvolves a diverse sample ranging from students, parents and general public =
to educators and specialists in education and technology. It also links bac=
k to the originator who gives almost immediate feedback on the stimulating =
piece and how others are viewing the work. While the piece by itself may m=
ake a statement for some or demonstrate lack of vision of others, there is =
no denying, this is a fascinating conversation which is occurring in a medi=
um we can't ignore-the Internet. This is a wonderful example of the social =
nature of information today.
Chris Bigenho
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