look at either Amazon S3 or Amazon ECC.
If you want something pre-formed, you could look at
either http://www.screencast.com/ or
http://www.jingproject.com/ -- both from the folks who
build Camtasia studio.
Or, you could my preferred option: build a video
processing/sharing site in Drupal using either the
Media Mover or FlashVideo modules. Host this offsite,
and you have created a secure, institution-specific
video sharing solution. See
http://drupal.org/project/flashvideo and
--- Bill Griscom <griscomb@e-lcds.org> wrote:
> Is anyone using offsite hosts for streaming video?
> Recommendations?
> We're trying to avoid a saturation of our current
> internet connection.
> Thanks!
> Regards,
> Bill Griscom
> Network Administrator
> Lancaster Country Day School
> 725 Hamilton Road
> Lancaster, PA 17603-2491
> 717.392.2916 x. 246
> griscomb@e-lcds.org
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> commons, attribution, non-commercial, share-alike
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[ For info on ISED-L see http://www.gds.org/ISED-L ]
Submissions to ISED-L are released under a creative commons, attribution, non-commercial, share-alike license.