Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Re: Tech Plan

Having recently attended Alan November's keynote at Tech Forum (the
conference of Technology & Learning Magazine), a central divide was
highlighted relating to technology plans and their relationship to
curriculum and school culture: do you plan to block social media
(YouTube, IM)?

The decision to block social media makes a lot clear. To do it is
technically easy, but the impact on students ("We can't compete for your
attention, so we'll control it) indicates where on the "student
empowerment" scale you fall. To try and compete with social media by
sharing control with students over learning is very tricky (I've seen
Coalition of Essential Schools and some private schools like Dalton do
it). But ultimately, students who can be enrolled in their learning
program enough to want to learn to manage their focus away from social
media for its own sake are getting much more important stuff.

Bram Moreinis
Principal, Game Face Web Design
Director, Hudson Valley Tech Scouts

/"The future is already here - it's just not evenly distributed."/ -
William Gibson

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