Monday, November 5, 2007

Re: Projector question

You will be very happy with the sanyos. As for the infocus...does the
projector power up and then the lamp doesn't strike or does the proj =
just sit
there? What exactly happens?

-----Original Message-----
From: A forum for independent school educators
[mailto:ISED-L@LISTSERV.SYR.EDU] On Behalf Of Carl Campion
Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2007 7:39 PM
Subject: Projector question

For the second time in two weeks I have replaced the lamp in an =20
InFocus LP640(cousin of the ASKProxima C180) only to have the lamp =20
not strike. Tech support concluded (after trying some lamp counter =20
reset button pushes) that the unit needs service. It is 6 months past =20
the three year warranty . At a minimum it would cost $390 which we =20
are not going to do. Two questions:

(1) Has anyone else suffered this same lamp goes/projector goes =20
issue ? I spoke to the tech folks at the AV company we use and they =20
told me of a power supply issue.

(2) I wonder if there is a magic button push combination that resets =20
the power management ? Yes, wishful thinking.

BTW: I am replacing the InFocus/ASK Proxima units with Sanyo XU87 & =20
XU84 projectors.


Carl Campion
Director of Academic Technology
Archmere Academy

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