Friday, November 2, 2007

Re: Looking for excellent wireless help (UNCLASSIFIED)

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED=20
Caveats: NONE

It is a bit of a long shot .... But these guys have been acting as a
Wireless ISP on Capitol Hill for a number of years. They have the
technical chops, I just don't know if they would be open to consulting
but they are a small company that definitely hustles and may be
interested in branching out. =20

A good wireless group is hard to find. I have had two companies work on
wireless with me and I could not recommend either. =20


Jason Johnson - Program Director
Web Services Branch - Walter Reed Army Medical Center Ingenium (ISO
9001:2000 certified)
Office: 202-782-1047
Cell: 202-262-0516
-----Original Message-----
From: A forum for independent school educators
[mailto:ISED-L@LISTSERV.SYR.EDU] On Behalf Of Norman Maynard
Sent: Friday, November 02, 2007 9:20 AM
Subject: Looking for excellent wireless help

Good morning.

Does anyone have a recommendation for someone in the DC/Silver Spring
area who can help us out with our wireless system? Frankly, it has just
never worked right, and as we push/cajole kids and faculty into using
laptops, we're running into this bottleneck of frustration with endless
waits for logging on, network not available messages, dropped
connections, etc.

What we need is someone who is really, really good with this stuff and
who can come in and analyze what's going on, fix it, and leave us with
some info as to typical responses we an execute when typical things go

Thanks for your help!

In peace,

Norman Maynard
Thornton Friends Upper School
Silver Spring, MD

"I think age is a very high price to pay for maturity." - Tom Stoppard

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Classification: UNCLASSIFIED=20
Caveats: NONE

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