Thursday, April 2, 2009

Re: Head-End / Closed Circuit Video Distribution

A forum for independent school educators <ISED-L@LISTSERV.SYR.EDU> on
April 2, 2009 at 9:28 AM -0400 wrote:
>Anyone have any experience with deploying a head-end video distribution
>unit on their campus? As a boarding school , we have Comcast cable run
>directly to campus faculty residences and dorm commons, and we have no
>control over the content provided. We would like a central feed from
>which we can choose from cable, satellite, or digital broadcast, and
>distribute them across campus with digital signage and select security
>cameras on the unused channels, without the need for a set-top box at
>ever T.V. (similar to what a hotel or condominium complex offers).

We did exactly this set up. Because of our location, we can't even get
cable, so we have Dish Satellite. We have the signal split and running
into 20 RF modulators, each set to a different analog channel (2-21, I
think). Then we distribute that signal to our dorm common rooms. It works
OK. The signal definitely degrades over the length of our building, but
its better than before.

Before, we ran the satellite signal to the common rooms and our boys
destroyed the satellite receiver boxes, plus we had WAY too much content.

I would be interested in some sort of IP solution (something that would
allow me to watch a TV channel on my computer, specifically) for special
events like the Inauguration, but we haven't found anything yet (we're a
Mac school). Yes, we know about QTSS, and we use it for on-demand video
files, but not for live streaming stuff (yet!).

I'd be happy to put you in touch with someone here who knows our analog
system if you would like more info.

Peter Hoopes
Director of Technology
St. Andrew's School

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