Thursday, March 12, 2009

Re: Independent School Online Courses- ARG's

Just a thought... For those who might want to learn more about ARG's and ho=
w they might be used as a learning environment, Here is the adventure I cre=
ated for the NAIS classrooms of the future which includes a link to a game =
I created for a hands-on workshop. This game teaches about ARG's as a learn=
ing environment through actual game play. There is a prize at the end. Unde=
rstand that these games usually have "puppet masters" helping to play the b=
ack story of the game. This game needed to stand on its own so it is fully =
automated. That means you can cut to then end if you understand how these g=
ames are played as the actual responses will not be "fact checked". This is=
something that the teacher (puppet master would do in an actual game). The=
se games are also played collaboratively with groups forming with the inten=
t of solving the puzzle and getting to the "pot of gold". Feel free to form=
a group somewhere if you want to play collaboratively. Early games, groups=
formed out of necessity with little formal structure. Today, these games o=
ften make use of social network sites such as Facebook (Ning- as many of us=
are already there) for collaboration.

Have fun...

Alternate reality game adventures developed for Classrooms of the Future at=
the 2009 NAIS annual conference. This link has a coup=
le of adventures including "Shafted Enlightenment- an ARG that informs abou=
t ARG's through game play and a "pot of gold".

Chris Bigenho
Director of Educational Technology
Greenhill School
4141 Spring Valley Road
Addison, TX 75001
Ph. 972-628-5479
Fx. 972-628-5279

AIM: chris bigenho
Yahoo: chris_bigenho
Skype: chris_bigenho
Tapped In: ChrisWB

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