Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Re: Best Platform for a New School

I already gave you my pro-Mac screed off-list, but when asked why my
schools have Windows and Macs both, I always reply "plaform diversity."
It's tongue-in-cheek a bit to invoke the d-word in this context, but on
the other hand I really believe it. I want to teach kids how to use
technology, not a single platform - making them switch back and forth is
good for the brain. And it's very possible to have both platforms log into
the same account, same home directories, etc.


Doug Alexander
Director of Academic Technology
Lincoln School
401-331-9696 x3137

A forum for independent school educators <ISED-L@LISTSERV.SYR.EDU> writes:
>Too bad one of your tasks is "...choosing between Mac and PC" for
>your new school. Count me among those school folks who do not
>believe that a school should be single platform environment, either
>WindowsPC or Mac.

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